There are two ways to achieving this better world. 1. Politically. 2. Economically.

Governments’ sole purpose is to create ideal living conditions. This is their true function and reason for existing in our lives. Commerce is the tool to create these ideal living standards. Let’s wipe the slate clean and recreate politics and commerce in our world and produce a more just, prosperous, abundant, innovative, visionary, inclusive, and peaceful world, for all 7 billion of us.

In politics, democracy is the prime political driver of the modern world. It competes left vs. right leaning candidates in elections with the one winner representing the entire population for years to come. A more democratic model can exist.

The-Free-World idea for democracy instead suggests having both left and right political leanings represented in an elected government. That is, two equal leaders, one of left leaning, and one of right leaning, are elected into government. The election then becomes a vote on who will lead the left, in a pool of left leaning candidates, and who will lead the right, in a pool of right leaning candidates. The two voted leaders of the left, and of the right, then form government together, of the people, for the people, representing all the people. This then creates well rounded policies for national politics, as well as for international politics.

In commerce, the capitalist system is the prime economic driver of the modern world. It is an exchange of money for products or services. Products and services fulfil our prime needs and wants, and enhance our living standards. And since the dawn of time, money was created as an exchange medium to obtain these products and services.  Today, money is the prime motivator to work, and the prime motivator to create products and provide services. And we need to attain money first to obtain products or services.

But what if money was never created? What alternative means could have put in place to enable humanity to create and to obtain these products and services?

The-Free-World idea for commerce suggests such an economic model, one without money as the means of trade. The idea is to remove money as the exchange method for product or service. Instead, products and services are offered into the market for free. The idea is not to have any exchange method in the middle. The concept is we work in our jobs for free, and provide our product or service to the market, to consumers, for free. Any consumer can obtain any products or any services for free. This means, in this Free Trade Market we, not just being workers but also being consumers, can obtain our required products or services for free.

We work for free. We provide our products or services for free. And we obtain our needed products or services for free

In this model everyone has a role in the economy. Therefore, the doctor provides medical services, the teacher provides education, the miner provides minerals, the butcher provides meat, the retail assistant provides goods, the farmer provides produce, the travel clerk, the nurse, the musician, the computer programmer, the entrepreneur, the inventor, the researcher, the scientist, the plumber, the call centre consultant, the factory worker, you name the industry, or business, or job, we all provide our products and services to the market for free consumption. And in turn, as consumers, we take our required products or services from the market also for free. Our economy remains a consumerist/materialist market, with the added benefit that without the need for money, we will have access to unlimited products or services.



We stand at the crossroads. We can change the world. We can wipe the slate clean. We can create an abundant, prosperous, innovative, and peaceful world, for all humankind. We can create a world of pure democracy, and pure free trade. It will be a world in which we can have anything we want. We can create what our minds innovate. We can have what our hearts desire. We could become a people of education, exploration, innovation, of peace, of diverse cultures and traditions.

It’s a big change, there’s no doubt. It’s evolutionary, humankind’s evolution. But substantial change has occurred since the dawn of time. We have accepted change every step of the way. The one great attribute of humankind is the adaptability in the face of change. Change is after all for the enhancement of life, living standards, and living conditions.

And there you have it. A clean slate. A world as it is meant to exist. A Free World. A World of abundance, equality, freedom, prosperity, enterprise, invention, and innovation for all 7 billion people, for you, your family, your friends, and your community. You can have anything you want. It's free. It's all free. So spread the word. Email this link to everyone you know. Share it on your social media. Let anyone, and everyone know. Change the world.